Our impact


Addressing Energy Poverty

We confront the pervasive issue of energy poverty by delivering clean and reliable energy solutions to those who need it the most.

Championing Environmental Sustainability

Dzuwa Gleam is at the forefront of the fight against climate change. Through the promotion of solar power and other renewable energy sources, we contribute to reducing carbon emissions and building a more sustainable future.

Promoting Social Equity

Our initiatives prioritize social equity by ensuring that marginalized communities, including women and youth, have equitable access to essential energy services. We empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty and contribute to community development.

Improving Health and Well-being

Beyond illumination, our clean energy solutions contribute to improved health outcomes. By replacing harmful and polluting energy sources, such as kerosene lamps, we reduce indoor air pollution and mitigate health risks.

Catalyzing Economic Development

Dzuwa Gleam is not just about lighting up homes; it’s about lighting up local economies. Our interventions create opportunities for entrepreneurship, job creation, and income generation, fostering sustainable economic growth

Our Purpose

Empowering Communities with Clean Energy

At Dzuwa Gleam, our purpose is clear: to empower rural communities in Malawi with access to clean, affordable, and sustainable energy solutions. 

We recognize that energy poverty is a significant barrier to economic development, social equity, and environmental sustainability in these areas. By providing clean energy solutions, we aim to address this critical challenge and make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Through our work, we envision a future where every household in Malawi has access to clean energy, where children can study after dark, where women can engage in income-generating activities, and where communities can prosper in harmony with nature. Our purpose inspires us to innovate, collaborate, and persevere in pursuit of our vision for a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for all.